I think we went over some things in class on how to critique your work, so I'll try and expand off of those a bit. For addition, I might add the addition symbol into the composition. Maybe even add an equals sign too to make an equation from the word (ex. add+it=ion). For repetition, I would recommend compressing the works closer to each other and have them other lap or touch. This giving it a more interesting composition. Maybe even play around with a gradient approach for each on each word, making it go from light to dark or vice versa. Overall, you're at a good starting point, just some small tweaks to finalize them.
I think we went over some things in class on how to critique your work, so I'll try and expand off of those a bit. For addition, I might add the addition symbol into the composition. Maybe even add an equals sign too to make an equation from the word (ex. add+it=ion). For repetition, I would recommend compressing the works closer to each other and have them other lap or touch. This giving it a more interesting composition. Maybe even play around with a gradient approach for each on each word, making it go from light to dark or vice versa. Overall, you're at a good starting point, just some small tweaks to finalize them.