Week 8 Assignment Final Form 

Size: 10 X 10 inches
Color: Black, White and Red





  1. I really liked how you made the symbol stand out in the first one. Splitting the text on either side was a good idea in eliminating dead space. The one with the text being more prominent is very well done because you made zeta stand out from the rest of the text. -Madison Pennycoff

  2. I think you did a great job on this assignment. In the first design, you are very successful in making the symbol the most prominent element. The big red symbol Z really stands out from the white background, and the red-letter zeta makes everyone know that the symbol Z means zeta. In the second one, the way you design the letter ZETA is unique, but I suggest you should change the background of the paragraph part. I think you can change the background to white and change the letter to black or red so the design could be smoother. For the last one, I have a little bit confuse about which one is the focal point. I think it could be clearer if you make the paragraph bigger and the letter zeta smaller, or you can change the color of the paragraph. Overall, it nice to see you did a great job, I really enjoy it.


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